Monday, January 4, 2010


Happy New Year!

Late as fuuck right??

Give me a break on this blog shit too! Like anyone still reads...PSSHHH

Where do I start??

I am currently on my last day of vacation in California. This vacation was much needed, not only to reflect on my past and compare it to how I have grown, but also to spread knowlede to others, about whats going on in my state!!!

I notice that when I come to Cali my friends decrease, the numbers just get shorter and shorter. I spent a lot of time with family this time, didn't overbook, and basically threw my "Throwback Pussy" out the window. I'm stronger from that!

In the end family is all you will have, cherrish them hold them, joke and laugh with them, and try not to be easily irritated. I love my family YO, and low key anybody that loves me, loves them too, cause they are the reason I am the person I am!

I kinda debated mentioning this next topic/person. I met a nice young woman (who's name will remain anonymous) at a stop light frat party. Low key I met a couple of women that night, but some how she climbed that long weird fredd0 ladder! lol that sounded weird. we have been talking for a while and I decided that I like her, A LOT! which doen't happen too often. I feel like she matches me and my weirdness, she is NOOT affraid to "go there" she's down, and is (at the moment) living up to her ride or die my life. I basically talk to this woman everyday, which puts me DIRECTLY in the cake catergory!!! She's real low key as far as other peoploe knowing about her. I give this woman a loooot of my personal time, and really give two shits about doing anything else. It's weird that my vacation didn't really wedge us apart, it was pretty consistent. That's enough of that weirdooo though, she might read this and get excited!!! :-)

My NY was pretty dope, I seen a couple of friends I haven't seen in a minute. Got EXTRA faded like I'm suppose to! Popped that My celebration was good for 2010 morale, and now I have the fuel to go out and do meeh in Texas. I'm still high key shittin on niggas and fees, its not even funny yo, kinda sad...shed a tear for them...



  1. cali hiatuses always have that affect

  2. People still read...I know I do! I'm glad the new year is treating you right thus far, and I'm still salty that you didn't tell me about her. WTF yo, are we not fam anymore after you left? Am I not big sister? Where's the love nigga? You still my little brother though...always! LOL

  3. PS - Update your blog list! I'm now at!
