Saturday, April 18, 2009

People Are Dumb

Some people make up their lives.

Example: Someone who is attracted to "gangsters" therefore they act like thugs. FAKE ppl. I mean really though, if you stay in the suburbs, have everything paid for(cars, clothes, SCHOOL, a PLACE to stay). Basically you shouldn't have any serious problems, and there is NO excuse to even try to be a Gangster. Like isn't being a FAKE gangster played out now ESPECIALLY if your an adult.

I mean focus on bigger brighter things. Your a joke when you waste that potential. Like seriously, I'm not the type to hate on rich people who GET IT IN, BUT when your my "friend" and you watse and take advantage of your oppurtunities that A LOOOT of people do NOT have, that shit pisseds me off. Turn down GREAT advice that I give you and change as a person, I can hardly call you a friend anymore ya know. When nothing is the same anymore.

I'm done YO.

I need people who motivate me to do the right things, NOT some who is a fuck up...I mean a CONSTANT FUCK UP, never ending fuck ups!

This is just part I to the FREDD0 is SHITTING on you series. Cause where I'm going and what I'm about to do is on some other shit though...I'm bout to get real SHITTY and dumpin on muhh fuhhkas

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